
mgm technology partners GmbH



mgm technology partners GmbH participates in the ITbbb.de community because we use it to efficiently fill the important positions.

mgm has been developing web applications for more than two decades. For Commerce, Insurance and E-Government. More than 500 colleagues stand for our mission: Innovation Implemented.

We are looking for graduates as well as experienced developers.

Talents wanted and opportunities

mgm technology partners is always looking for special people. No matter if you are a talented youngster fresh out of university or if you have already developed and brought into production application systems. Your technical skills are important to us and the decisive factor is whether your career planning harmonizes with our company philosophy.

Locations of the mgm technology partners GmbH

The mgm technology partners GmbH posts open positions for jobs, internships and apprenticeships in 11 addresses (Aachen, Bamberg, Berlin, Dresden, Geretsried, Hamburg, Köln, Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Leipzig, München, and Nürnberg). Work from home (WFH) is also offered for all positions/locations.

Feedback from applicants

Feedback from employees

Jobs for professionals and executives

Senior Consultant Energiewirtschaft (m/w/d)

65.000 € - 85.000 € annual
Berlin (hybrid)
Advanced Senior
🇩🇪 C1
On the spot

IT-Projektmanager für Digitalisierungsprojekte (m/w/d)

55.000 € - 65.000 € annual
Berlin (hybrid)
🇩🇪 C1
On the spot

Wirtschaftsinformatiker als Junior Consultant / Project Management Office (PMO) (m/w/d)

48.000 € - 57.000 € annual
Berlin (hybrid)
Junior Lateral entry
🇩🇪 C1
On the spot

IT Projektleiter/ IT Project Manager Energiewirtschaft (m/w/d)

65.000 € - 85.000 € annual
Berlin (hybrid)
🇩🇪 C1
On the spot

Systemengineer für virtualisierte Systemumgebungen (m/w/d)

48.000 € - 75.000 € annual
Berlin (hybrid)
🇩🇪 C1
On the spot

Netzwerkadministrator 3rd Level Support (m/w/d)

46.000 € - 75.000 € annual
Berlin (hybrid)
🇩🇪 C1
On the spot

Systemadministrator Atlassian (m/w/d)

46.000 € - 75.000 € annual
Berlin (hybrid)
🇩🇪 C1
On the spot

Frontend Entwickler (m/w/d)

54.000 € - 100.000 € annual
Berlin (hybrid)
🇩🇪 C1
On the spot

Fullstack Entwickler (m/w/d)

54.000 € - 100.000 € annual
Berlin (hybrid)
🇩🇪 C1
On the spot

6 more job ads

Internships and apprenticeships

Latest company news articles

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