We want to use the network to live the appreciation with each other and thus the exchange with the companies.
Ms. Regina de la Fontaine
For more than 30 years, we have been an established medium-sized consulting firm in Germany for future viability, digital transformation and innovation.
In addition to our specialisation in complex ERP, HR and document management systems, we offer individual developments, in-house software solutions and IT services for companies.
We inspire, accompany and empower to embrace change.
Talents wanted and opportunities
Why do I work at WEKO? ....because I can contribute my ideas and am seen as a person on an equal footing.
Competences of the WEKO Gruppe
AusbildungPHPWebserviceSoftwareentwicklungJavaSoftware-DesignIaaSTraineeDigitalisierungIndustrie 4.0SaaSCSSIT.NETSoftwaretestNetzwerkmanagementC++Cloud-ComputingIDEDevOpsMachine LearningSicherheitStudiumJavaScriptSoftwareadministrationQualitätsmanagementDatenbankInformatikSoftware-DesignSaaSDokumentenmanagementPython
Locations of the WEKO Gruppe
Jobs for professionals and executives
Consultant für Dokumentenmanagementsysteme (m/w/d)
Berlin (hybrid)
Advanced Junior
Part time possible
Flexible working hours
Internships and apprenticeships
kaufmännisch-technisch ausgebildet für Dokumentenmanagementsysteme (m/w/d)
Working student
Berlin (hybrid)
Part time possible